Friday, April 29, 2011

Week 2: Student Introduction to COGS Unit

Introduction to COGS Unit - Making Informed Choices - Government

This term our class will be engaged in exploring the concept of Government.

We will work towards developing an understanding of how making decisions affects all aspects of our lives.

We will be learning about aspects of Government and Democracy, including the three levels of government in Australia. We will learn about the Australian system of voting and the history of important figures in the development of democracy both in Australia and around the world.

We will develop knowledge on how a law is made and how representatives, such as our Local Mayor, State Premier and Prime Minister are elected.

By analysing and valuing different perspectives we are able to make informed choices and contribute to the democratic process.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week 2 Focus: Early Democracy

This week we are looking at the history of people empowering themselves to have a say.

The Wikipedia article on the 'History of Democracy' is quite comprehensive and includes information on:
  • Mesopotamia
  • India
  • Sparta
  • Athens
  • The Roman Republic
In language more suitable for children, the history of democracy is discussed by kidipede.

The BBC Primary History page fantastic information about Ancient Greece.

The BBC 'Big Ideas That Change The World - Democracy' series presented by British ex MP Tony Benn is some seriously interesting viewing - professional and clearly delivered. Is more suitable for upper students.

A concise and appropriate Australian video discussing the birth of democracy is here:

A great 3 minute video introduction to 'Democracy' - (American presentation of Ancient Greece, active citzenship, foundations for democratic government, majority rule with minority rights, constitution, right to vote.)

Finally, a fun 1945 Encyclopedia Brittanica presentation on 'What is Democracy.' Enjoy!

Term 2 2011 - Making Informed Choices

Connection focus: understanding roles and responsibilities in the decision making process as it affects all aspects of our lives. By analysing and valuing different perspectives we are able to make informed choices and contribute to the democratic process.